Monday, May 10, 2010

An afternoon in Paris 那一个在巴黎的下午

2 years ago, i done my first dollhouse and i name it An Afternoon in Paris. 23/9/2009 Allysa and me were having our first afternoon in Paris. From our apartment, we walked toward Paris Opera House.两个人就很随兴,很无牵无挂的漫步在巴黎的街上。
The story of Phantom of the Opera started here. The phantom borne in Paris Opera House. But its theater famous in London. We took some photo in front of the opera, and walked across the road and we reached La Fayette.
我觉得建筑师把美学融合在巴黎歌剧院的建筑里,远看,可以看到顶上的那个dome.可当你走近的时候,你就看不到了。结果我觉得,远看是一个建筑物,近看又变成了另一个。而且不管远或近,他都有自成一格的风格 。让人摸不透他的真面目。一如歌剧里场景的切换,主角的命运,有时也分不清到底是现实还是做戏。
Its Chinese name is 老佛爷。What an excellent translation! Those who came in and spend here was really like emperor, or at least they must had emperor kind of wallet.
The first things that came to my mind when i enter it was " am i in a pasar malam??"
All those branded shop such as LV, Gucci, Long Champ was people mountain people sea. As usual most of them was Asian, especially Chinese. Honestly when you saw all this, already feel no appetite to buy thing. 当那么多人在付款机前排队,当每个人手里总拿着几个包包好像怎么买也买不够的时候,当每个人在一个那么高级的地方大声说话讨论有如路边摊的时候,你已经没有了那种拿超贵名牌货的优越的感觉。这时,再花那么多的钱来买一个包包, 又有什么意义呢?
However, La Fayette was very huge, Lqfayette Coupole had 9 levels, Lafayette Homme had 4 levels, Lafayette Maison had 5 levels and total it make up from 3 blocks of buildings. It had published its directory guide in various language (of course Chinese was one of it).
We spend some time in Lafayette, and we started to find HardRock Paris (at least something affordable for me). It took us about 10 min to find the place. This time, i am getting a Hard Rock T shirt for myself. It cost me E26.45. In London and Amsterdam, i don't dare to bought anythings, except some fridge magnet. Now , I am in Paris and was my last stop, so i plan to spend all my money. Wahahahahahha.
From HardRock, we walked cross our apartment and reached Louvre. The Louvre - Gem of Paris. Not to forget the pyramid in front of Louvre. Although it received many negative feedback when first build, some even comment it as a scare on Louvre.
But thanks to Da Vinci Code, it became very famous now. At least became famous for me.
In front of Louvre was full with tourists. From here, i started to discover the French people, or perhaps the tourist here were more funny compared with London and Amsterdam.
In front of Louvre was where Jardin Des Tuileries (协和广场)located. Walked across it and you will reached Champs Elysees. If you walked along Champs Elysees , for about 1 or 2 km, you reached Arc de Triomphe. If you still can walked, walked further down for another 2 or 3 km and you reached New Arc de Triomphe.Its all in 1 straight line. City of Sun... We had done this walking until Arc de Triomphe on the next day, end up Allysa kept on complaint i cheated her to walk this far while she prefer to take Metro. hihi
Saw this Tourism Malaysia some where some place. After we took photo at Louvre, we went back to our apartment , no, is the Monoprix opposite our apartment to do some shopping. Allysa said Monoprix was one of the famous deparmental store in France.
I bought a pizza (E1.80), Baguet (E0.99), Ew Noui the oriental maggie mee (E0.94) and Poulet pure potato chicken (E2.79). I heated up this potato chicken using microwave in our apartment , drank the orange juice that i took from London hotel this morning, wow superb nice dinner in Europe.
Till now, i still hope i can eat it again. Although it looked geli in the first place but actually it was yummy. Hmmm, why our supermarket do not have this kind of food?
Time pass soon, the sky is getting darker and darker. I stand in front of the window to appreciate our first night in Paris.
Eiffel tower light on, it looked so close yet so far. Yes, tomorrow morning it will be our first destination to eiffer tower.
Darkness fall, to my surprise, about every one hour, the light on Eiffel Tower will blinked for about 10 min. Its looked like it had been decorated by thousand of diamond, or thousand of star rather. The head light on top of the tower will turn round and round, sound like Sauron Tower in Lord of the Ring. Hahahah. This was my first night sleeping comfortably in Paris. :) 虽然当我抵达巴黎时,并没有我想象中的那种激动。可是却有这一种那么熟悉的感觉, 好像和一个老朋友见面,然后再重新去认识这个朋友, 去发掘他的美丽,去体会他的忧郁。我很期待明天的到来,期待与我朝思暮想的爱尔菲塔见面。我知道这一定会是一个美丽的邂逅。

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